Email Kurt Cannon
Phone: (706) 968-8007
Mayor And City Council
Kurt Cannon, Mayor
Amanda Harrold, Council Member - Post 1
Email Amanda Harrold
Phone: (828) 508-5909
Althea Bleckley, Council Member - Post 2
Email Althea Bleckley
Phone: (706) 490-1907
Tony Allen, Council Member - Post 3
Email Tony Allen
Phone:(706) 490-0929
Sarah Gillespie, Council Member - Post 4
Email Sarah Gillespie
Phone: (404)735-6157
Stacy Fountain, Mayor Pro Tem
Email Stacy Fountain
Phone: (706) 490-2514
The City of Clayton functions under a Council-Manager form of government. Clayton's City Council is comprised of six (6) members, including the mayor.
Clayton’s Council Members are responsible for creating the broad vision for the City and fashioning and adopting policies and ordinances that forward that vision. Councilmembers approve the City’s annual budget, make appointments to various citizen-run advisory boards, and vote on rezoning and variance requests. They also work cooperatively with various regional and state organizations to address issues of regional impact.
The Mayor presides over Council meetings and often serves as Clayton’s official representative at area meetings, ribbon-cuttings, and ceremonial functions.
A Professionally-trained City Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the City. Functioning as Clayton’s Chief Operations Officer, the City Manager prepares the budget, manages staff, and implements the City’s broad policies.
The City of Clayton have Mission and Vision statements which are vital in directing community goals focusing on the present, while looking towards the future.
City Council Elections
City Council is elected by the residents of Clayton to provide the vision and policy necessary to meet the needs of our citizens and community.
Each Council Member is elected to one of six posts and serves at large, which means they represent the whole City and not just one district. Each January, the Council chooses a new Mayor Pro Tem from among the Council Members, who assumes all duties and powers of the Mayor during the Mayor's absence or disability.
The City Council sets policy for the operations of the City. This legislative body also sets the millage rate for property taxes, approves the City's annual budget, passes ordinances, and hears and acts on requests for rezoning and annexation.