Current Active Projects
Water System Improvements Phase I
CDBG #: 21p-x-119-2-6212
Funding Amount: $750,000
City Contribution: $109,000
The City of Clayton is receiving Community Development Block Grant funding in the amount of $750,000 for Phase I of a Water System Improvements Project to serve a low-to-moderate income (LMI) residential neighborhood south of Downtown Clayton near the Rabun County Golf Course.
The improvements include:
- Installation of New, Larger Diameter Water Mains.
Installation of New Fire Hydrants and Gate Valves adequately spaced to provide for Fire Protection and flushing options for the dead-end mains within the Target Area.
2016 State of Georgia Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
The City of Clayton has reviewed the Department of Community Affair's Analysis of Impediments and is providing the following link for review: