Emergency Notification System


The CodeRED Emergency Notification System is a high volume - high speed Communication Service available for mass Emergency Notifications. CodeRED employs a one-of-a-kind Internet mapping capability for geographic targeting of calls, coupled with a high speed telephone calling system capable of delivering customized pre-recorded emergency messages directly to homes and businesses at the rate of up to 60,000 calls per hour.

When you enroll in the CodeRED system, alerts are issued to you by your geographical location.  Alerts can be sent to your cell phone, land line, by text, and even email. You get to choose!  With CodeRED, you get the option of also receiving the CodeRED Weather Warning.  These alerts are automatically generated when the National Weather Service issues a warning for your location. This early warning could prove to be life saving.

The CodeRED alert system is free to Rabun county residents. It will only take a few minutes to enjoy a service that just may save your life.  Please tell all of your friends and family about this invaluable service.

All Rabun County residents are strongly encouraged to register for CodeRED notifications.

CodeRED Mobile Alert App

The CodeRED Mobile Alert App is available to download from your App Store.

Downloading the app does not register you in the Rabun County CodeRED system.